Seven Letters Detailing the Prophetic Framework of the Return of Christ
Gregory Booker
Book Trailer
Who Am I?
The author has studied at DePaul University and has had a passion for biblical prophecy for over 30 years and received a certificate of ordination from Ministerial Seminary of America (MSA). Due to his talent as a pianist he mostly served for churches as minister of music and pianist. His career was as an auditor serving as a federal civilian for over 25 years. However it was in 1991 being touched by God that because of my measure of faith in prophecy, it became my responsibility to reveal. Putting pen to paper I was led to write “Seven Letters…” as his first ever publication. Later he published another book titled “Inspired Writings” with prophetic utterance and it’s this recent edition which combines the two works into this second edition book. He is married and retired with 4 adult kids.
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What People Say
This book is well written and get the message across effectively: Insightful books like “Seven Leters” are hard to find nowadays. This marvelous book is the research of the bible and the importance of introducing Christ in our lives. The central goal of the author is the recovery of Israel being in the sacred land and the historical and upcoming challenges that we would face. Author highlights the destiny of Israel and explains how the Devil has fooled countless Christians in believing misleading concepts, ignoring God’s essence. I liked the ideas and conversational tone of the author. The best thing is that this book will defintely revive your belief in Christ and that is why you would not want to miss it!